Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Love Story

How many times have you fell for that someone throughout the time you are with them?
How many times have you felt so much love coming from that someone and you always felt like melting?
How many times do you want to express your love towards that someone when you are in front of him?
And how many times did you miss that someone even when he is just sitting next to you?

I have felt all of the above for the last one-thousand-nine-hundred-and-thirty-two days and for each and every hour for the last forty-six-thousand-three-hundred-and-sixty hours. 

Can you imagine that?

It's amazing that all these feelings can be accumulated over the years and being shared together for the rest of our lives. Yes, I do. Through thick and thin, through richness and poor, through sickness and health.... I will always love you my dearest....

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